A big thank you to Eric and Benoit, the program head and coordinator at the school, and the amazing teachers who taught the master classes. Additional thank yous to the studios, professionals and students who came to inspire.
I am glad to have met you all.
I am glad to have met you all.
Whoa This is just too great! Very nice collage! oh no ;_; I feel I'm gonna cry again! Why is is over?!?!
You must send me your pictures!! I'll set up a link so can get all mines and my videos (spinning horse yada yada ahaha ^^ )
See you!!!
HI! Cool pics!! Thanks for you comment.. uhm?? I think I arrived to your blog by anyone else's blog.. you know how this is.. Someone may had yopu in his/her links. Anyway.. you said you couldn't read a thing in my blog? but.. you understand english don't you? Every post in my blog is first in spanish, my maternal language and then in english!! hehe so you can read ( I hope my english isn't that bad lol)
I hope I see you arround there again! I'll be taking a look on your stuff ^__^ Thanks!!
Christine: Don't cry! Even better things are yet to come.
Oh I got another spinning horse video from Montparnesse that I have to show you! Ding ding!
HC: Whoa dude, there IS english on your site. Whoa... my eyes are weird. How did I miss that?
Your english gets a thumbs up.
Wowzers very cool sketches and awesome collage!!! If you don't mind I would also like some of the group photos, esp some of the ones up on your collage!
Oh by the way, it was crazy I stumbled upon a girls site that went to school with you. Meghan Shaw I think it was.
Hey Toby, yah, I'll send them over to you once I get the chance. I've just been busy with some projects so I'll email them to you over the weekend.
Yup, Meghan was one of my classmates!
Well, I'm sold. I'm going to shoot for it next year...
I miss Paris...
Love the Sketches with marker!
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